Frequently Asked Questions

Nihal Life is a subscription based streaming service that allows you to watch high quality movies and series, without commercials, on an internet-connected device. If you’re looking for great family-friendly content with positive, uplifting messages, you’ve found it.
Nihal Life showcases high quality feature-length movies, short films and series created by the Indian diaspora. All of our content (animation and live-action) provides gripping stories, inspiring messages and powerful life lessons. Nihal Life is the perfect family-friendly streaming platform for all ages.
You can watch Nihal Life through any internet-connected device, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers and smart TVs, by using an internet browser to access the Nihal Life website.
The Nihal Life app is currently under development and will be launching soon. Sign up for updates.
Watch the full range of Nihal Life content on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer or smart TV, all for one fixed annual fee. There are no hidden costs and no contracts. Click on a movie or series to see prices for your region.
Choose the option to 'subscribe' to Nihal Life. As a Nihal Life member, you are charged annually on the date you signed up. We accept Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Paytm and Stripe.
To cancel your subscription, email us.
The content on Nihal Life is suitable for children. Parents don’t need to worry about child lock settings, because our titles are family-friendly, entertaining and educational, promoting history, social values, moral lessons and humanitarianism.